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Cysurance Certified Nano Cyber Solutions Brings Behavioral Analysis Capabilities to Small- and Mid-Sized Information Security Initiatives

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Motti Danino, Nano Cyber Solutions
NEW YORK - Amzeal -- According to the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) -- a non-profit organization established to help and guide consumers, victims, businesses and government to minimize risk -- 73% of SMBs experienced a cyberattack, data breach, or both throughout 2023. This represents a significant jump from the 58% attack rate in 2021 and 43% in 2022.

As the sophistication of attacks on small- and mid-sized enterprises explodes, business leaders and owners must reconsider current point-solution-based strategies and implement more dynamic solutions that integrate behavioral analysis into their risk-management posture. So say Nano Cyber Solutions' (https://nanocybersolutions.com/) CEO Motti Danino and CTO Yochai Greenberg in a recent vidcast interview for the Cysurance Institute (https://www.cysuranceinstitute.com).

"Behavioral analysis has been broadly adopted among the largest and most sophisticated organizations. However, until now, it has not been an option effectively available to small and mid-size organizations (SMOs)," says Greenberg.

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Analyzing attacker behavior and generating realistic models to capture the realities of cybersecurity threats accurately is challenging. But that, explains Greenberg, is just one part of the equation.

"It is also important to understand how users within an organization interact with systems to do their day-to-day jobs. It is not enough to understand the threat landscape; it is also important to understand the behaviors of key stakeholders to identify and respond to anomalous activity that could indicate an active attack," he says.

Indeed, according to analysts at Forrester Research, rapidly evolving threats have overwhelmed legacy rules-based Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) offerings. It has forced vendors to expand into security analytics (SA) activities that combine big-data infrastructure, security user behavior analytics (SUBA), and security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR).

For most SMO decision-makers, this complex array of technologies is overwhelming.

"It is a classic Goldilocks challenge," says Danino. "Large enterprise cyber solutions tend to be too complicated and intricate for the small and mid-sized segment of the market, while consumer security offerings are not robust and scalable enough to protect critical assets spread across an array of on-prem, remote and cloud resources."

Editor's Note: You can view the entire video interview here.

Source: Cysurance
Filed Under: Technology

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