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Chance Maritime Technologies Completes Commissioning Trials of MC-29

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LAFAYETTE, La. - Amzeal -- Chance Maritime Technologies, an innovative startup and service provider of uncrewed vessel technology, successfully completed long-endurance commissioning trials of their MC-29: a 29-foot-long, mission-capable USV that operates at high power with long endurance. The vehicle completed over 40 total operational days, which included 24 operational days of 24-hour operation in Vermilion Bay and the Gulf of Mexico.

This new class of utility vessel has unparalleled capability in the industry, including kilowatts of continuously available payload power, 30+ day endurance, a 19" payload rack, moon pool, active gyro stabilization, and high-bandwidth Starlink satellite communications.

Stuart Chance, CEO of Chance Maritime Technologies, shared his enthusiasm at the conclusion of testing: "We're extremely excited with the results of our endurance testing. The MC-29 represents an incredible effort by the talented team at Chance Maritime to design, build, and operate a flexible, durable, and truly capable USV. Reliability is a crucial factor in utilizing USVs as a cost-effective solution, and these initial tests demonstrate the MC-29 meets that requirement."

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The MC-29 is available for commercial service and is also available through current NOAA contract vehicles (https://chancemaritime.com/noaa-awards-chance-maritime-technologies-three-uncrewed-data-service-contracts/) for hydrographic survey, meteorological data collection, fisheries monitoring, underwater exploration, marine construction, and many more applications. Chance Maritime Technologies assists with integrating payloads into the flexible MC-29 uncrewed platform.

Chance Maritime Technologies provides Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) as a service and specializes in the design, build, operation, and leasing of uncrewed boats to commercial, government, and academic clients. Chance Maritime's team of experts have over 70 years of combined experience in uncrewed design and operations. Experienced ASV/USV operators, engineers, and software developers ensure quality, precise solutions to meet customer needs. For more information, visit www.chancemaritime.com.

Source: Chance Maritime Technologies
Filed Under: Technology

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