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AXT Add Innovative In Situ Microscopy Solutions from NewTec Scientific

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AXT have added NewTec Scientific's product lines to their portfolio to help satisfy a growing demand from Australian researchers. Their innovative in situ testing platforms will help them accelerate their research projects.

WARRIEWOOD, Australia - Amzeal -- With a growing trend towards in situ analyses, AXT have strengthened their product portfolio with the addition of NewTec Scientific. Their products allow researchers to study materials in environments that more closely mimic where they are being designed to operate while performing experiments under dynamic conditions to better understand how they will behave.

NewTec Scientific design and manufacture innovative microscopy instrumentation for researchers that can perform under challenging conditions and environments. These instruments are built around scanning electron (SEM) and optical microscopes and will help researchers gain a better understanding of their materials. In doing so, they allow them to generate a deeper understanding of how they will perform in-service and accelerate development programs compared to static methods as well as providing vastly more accurate and usable data.

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Their in situ products include:
  • MT1000 that allows tensile/compression testing at temperatures up to 1000°C
  • FurnaSEM for high temperature testing up to 1300°C
These can be used in situ in SEMs or optical microscopes or ex situ. They are supported by the ExoSEM which can perform thermomechanical testing outside your SEM, and under controlled atmospheres and Cathodyne, a unique cathodoluminescence instrument for use with optical microscopes and ideal for petrology and mineralogy.

The first MT1000 will be installed in the coming months at Monash University at a state-of-the-art in situ testing facility that was made possible by an ARC LIEF grant. It will be integrated with a TESCAN FEG-SEM allowing high-resolution dynamic studies to be performed.

Richard Trett, AXT's Managing Director said, "there is a growing demand for in situ analysis and Australian researchers are requiring more sophisticated and integrated solutions. NewTec Scientific's products are an excellent fit for them. We look forward to working with our research community to implement Newtec's solutions and in doing so, shortening the R&D timeline."

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Antoine Candeias, Founder of NewTec Scientific responded, "Australia has a fantastic reputation for research output and innovation and we look forward to working with AXT and Australian researchers to development new and improved materials".

AXT have a broad portfolio of products to support the materials science community sourced from different suppliers around the world. For more information, please visit www.axt.com.au.

Dr. Cameron S Chai

Source: AXT Pty Ltd
Filed Under: Science

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