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American Pet Professionals Celebrates 15 Years in Business - Networking Event Celebtation!

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BABYLON, N.Y. - Amzeal -- American Pet Professionals, (APP), is excited to announce the marking of 15 years in business serving the pet industry, by hosting a networking dinner celebration on happening on Thursday, April 25, 2024, 6 pm – 9 pm at Lily's of Babylon.

Celebrating 15 years in business serving the pet industry, and the incredible growth of the industry right here on Long Island, where APP started.

"I am so excited to again be hosting an in-person event for the pet professional community here on Long Island," said, Nancy Hassel, founder and President of American Pet Professionals.  "While we have been incredibly busy on-line with our national organization, our members have been asking for an in-person event for a while.  We are beginning a series of events across the country with this here on LI, where it all started 15 years ago!"

The event is open to pet professionals from all areas of the industry and to anyone who may just be starting out.  "Our organization is very welcoming to all pet pros from any area of the industry, those who may be seasoned and those just beginning their career.  We want to celebrate those in our industry, connect pet professionals who may not know each other, and continue to help them build relationships, even after the event.  Working together always makes our industry stronger, locally and across the country," Hassel went on to say.

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The event will feature: intentional networking and introductions, hors d'oeuvres, dinner, 3 hours unlimited beer, wine and soda, swag bags for each attendee, announcements and more!

New and aspiring pet professionals are welcome to register to attend.  Attendees are encouraged to bring business cards, brochures about your business or rescue and be ready to meet like minded peers!

This in-person event will be held at Lily's of Babylon, 345 Park Avenue, Babylon, NY 11702, in the private upper Shannon Room. Lily's is conveniently located steps from the LIRR, with ample parking. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your pet professional network, exchange ideas, and enjoy a night of productive conversations!

Reservations are required ahead of time for this event, please RSVP here:


For more information about American Pet Professionals, go to www.AmericanPetProfessionals.com or email info@Americanpetprofessionals.com.  This event is for humans only, if you are attending with a service dog, please contact us to let us know ahead of time.

*Sponsorship Opportunities Available!*

Source: American Pet Professionals
Filed Under: Business

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